Poem by Eloise Pierce age 6

Why ?

I heard the expression that ‘men are taught to be brave and woment are taught to be perfect’. It hit like a truck. How many times did I panic and stress over having to do everything just right? Why did my mom have to call my 1st grade teacher and have her tell me my homework did not have to be exact? And why did my husband feel confident in his refusal to put on his hat in Kindergarten even though it meant the entire class having to miss recess? Of couse, we all come into the world with pieces of who we are already formed. But how much is taught? And how many women keep a quiet voice because they don’t want to be wrong, hurt someone’s feelings, step on toes? I created this space to give a voice to women where they do not have to be perfect. This magazine strives for authenticity over popularity while maintaining the thread of the importance of community.

- Maeshowe Pierce, Founder

-Poem by Eloise Pierce, age 6